1. Go to donorbox.org and log in to your donor account by clicking the Donor Login link at the top of the page. If you didn't set up your account via the setup email, please use the Forgot Password link. This will allow you to establish a donor account.
2. You will then have access to your donor account. Click the Account Settings link from the left side menu.
3. Scroll down the settings page to find the Close account link and click it.
4. For confirmation purposes, you will be asked to enter your password. Please enter it and click the Close Account button.
Note: Recurring plans will continue to be charged even if the account is closed, so please make sure to cancel all active recurring plans before closing the account permanently. If you don't know how to cancel your plans, you can check this guide.
1 comment
Désolée, je désire fermer ce compte. Je suis incapable de le mettre à jour pour corriger ma carte de crédit. Je suis incapable d’entrer sur le site. Je reste coincée sur le tutorat. C’est trop compliquée. Veuillez fermer mon compte. Soyez bénis et merci de fermer ce compte.
Mireille Lagacé.
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