Weekly Donations:
Weekly recurring donations are charged every 7 days, counted from the day of the first donation. For example, if you made your donation on February 20th, your next charge date would be February 27th and so on. Charge dates can be changed to any other day within the 7-day period.
Monthly Donations:
Monthly recurring donations are charged every month, counted from the day of the first donation. For example, if you made your donation on January 10th, your next charge date would be February 10th and so on. Charge dates can be changed to any other day in the following month.
Annual Donations:
Annual recurring donations are charged every year, counted from the day of the first donation. For example, if you made your donation on 15 June 2018, your next charge date would be 15 June 2019 and so on. Charge dates can be changed to any other day in the following year.
Both the donor and the organization can change the charge date at any time.
PayPal recurring donations are handled by PayPal themselves. Donors will need to make changes to their recurring plans with PayPal directly.
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