Donorbox allows you to pre-fill some of the fields in the donation form, including the amount. You can append field values as query parameters to the donation URL. Pre-filling of the following fields are supported:
- amount
- currency
- first_name
- last_name
- phone
- address
- state
- city
- country
- zip_code
- default_interval: One of the following value can be used for default_interval parameter
- w - to set Weekly as default recurring option
- m - to set Monthly as default recurring option
- q - to set Quarterly as default recurring option
- a - to select Annually as default recurring option
language: Additionally, if the campaign's default language is set to "Auto-detect", you can pass language parameter via URL to override the campaign's default language settings. The language parameter can accept one of the following values:
- da - Dansk
- de - Deutsch
- en - English
- es - Español
- fr - Français
- it - Italiano
- nl - Nederlands
- pt - Português
- br - Português (BR)
- sv - Svenska
- ja - 日本語
- zh - 简体中文
- tw - 繁體中文
Prefilling the "amount" value is automated. You can check this solution on how to do this.
If you want to prefill the other fields (first_name, last_name, email, phone, address, zip_code, etc), it has to be done directly in the embed URL or in the campaign donation URL.
For example:
Pre-filling via the URL in the embed code:
Campaign donation URL:
Can I prefill any custom questions?
It's a shame this page hasn't been updated, but I'm happy to report that finally you can set the currency in the URL by using the parameter e.g. "currency=USD".
Great news, but would have been nice to hear about it.
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