Donorbox Pro and Premium users have the option to add a content panel to their pop-up donation forms to provide more context and create a more engaging giving experience.
Here’s how:
Step 1 - Add content to your donation page
The pop-up form content panel pulls copy and images from your donation page, so be sure your donation page includes all the information you would like to share.
Click “Edit Campaign” on the desired campaign.
Then click “Edit Page.” Here, you can upload images.
Step 2 - Copy the form code to add to your website
Click “Go to Launchpad” on your campaign.
Here, you’ll see all the options for launching your campaign. Click “Pop-up Donation Form.”
On this page, you can select the “Content Panel + Form” option. This will automatically update the code to include your panel. You can also adjust your donation button details. When you’re satisfied with your button, simply copy the provided code and paste it on your webpage.
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